Leads United

One of our own products currently being built in the lab. Leads United brings buyers and sellers together with less friction and some clever AI.

MVP requirement

To build a lead marketplace that removes the ‘data middleman’. We wanted to create a place where buyers and sellers can come together to exchange leads on a safe, fair, and transparent platform. Broadly made up of three parts: the buyers’ section, the seller’s section and the transaction section. Making buying and selling lead-data much easier with less expense.


A deep review of the current industry processes, user research, and analysis on the competitive landscape fed into persona, and user journeys. We have completed prototyping and product design and are in the first development cycle


MS SQL, .NETCore, ReactJS.


7 months.


We are currently running through Agile development phases to iterate our MVP at the start of 2023.

How it looks

Home Page

Buy Leads Dashboard

Vendor Quote Submission

Our recent projects